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Exhibition “Places to exist”

26/03/2022 h 05/03/2023 F Rajouter au calendrier 2022-03-26 2023-03-05 Europe/London Exhibition “Places to exist”

For its second season, the museum will examine the broad issue of places. This is the opportunity to contemplate this notion in all its dimensions, whether philosophical, historical, anthropological or even sociological.

It will be entirely occupied by the questions that the present aims at us. The collection testifies to this with extraordinary force: in the intimacy of the studio, all over the world and, since long before the Coronavirus crisis, the artists at work have constantly revealed the poetics and the necessity of places. Their unfailing loyalty to the here, their paramount indifference regarding everything that deviates from it and the learned ignorance which they herald, appear today as so many sensitive and vibrant responses to our worries, so many mirrors that show – with such grace and confidence – these reinvented places where, in the dark hours, there are flashes of confidence and hope.

© Photo Salvatore PIRCHIO, Atelier Blu Cammello, Livorno (I)

Practical information

TRINKHALL Museum (former MAD Museum), Rue Fabry, 19 B-4000 Liège TRINKHALL Museum (former MAD Museum)

For its second season, the museum will examine the broad issue of places. This is the opportunity to contemplate this notion in all its dimensions, whether philosophical, historical, anthropological or even sociological.

It will be entirely occupied by the questions that the present aims at us. The collection testifies to this with extraordinary force: in the intimacy of the studio, all over the world and, since long before the Coronavirus crisis, the artists at work have constantly revealed the poetics and the necessity of places. Their unfailing loyalty to the here, their paramount indifference regarding everything that deviates from it and the learned ignorance which they herald, appear today as so many sensitive and vibrant responses to our worries, so many mirrors that show – with such grace and confidence – these reinvented places where, in the dark hours, there are flashes of confidence and hope.

© Photo Salvatore PIRCHIO, Atelier Blu Cammello, Livorno (I)

Practical information

TRINKHALL Museum (former MAD Museum)


The new building of the TRINKHALL MUSEUM will be inaugurated on 20 March 2020.
During the renovation work of his building located at Avroy park, the Museum was installed at Rue Fabry 19 in Liège. 
This location does not have an exhibition space. For the museum’s one-off exhibition program, visit our Facebook page.

The MAD is the museum of the Creahm. The singularity of the museum is to curate and to promote works of art produced by Creahm as well as by the studios which, throughout the world, aim at revealing and deploying art forms produced by people with mental handicap. The MAD is an international, constantly growing collection (paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, textile compositions, etc.) consisting of 2500 works.

Since nearly 20 years, the MADmusée preserves and promotes works produced by people with a mental handicap in a studio. Nowadays, the museum is being upgraded and this architectural refurbishing gives a new opportunity to re-think its identity : the MAD –Musée d’art différencié- becomes the Trink-Hall , museum of ‘situated arts’.

“Trink Hall” is the original name of the building where the museum is being located and it demonstrates the will to revive its initial momentum. It is for the museum to open up the collection outside the usual artistic categories and to recognize, always, the profound singularity of the works. Whatever the name given (art brut, outsider art, art différencié…), what characterizes, in our eyes, the plastic productions that are born or are visible at the borders of art or culture is the critical function with which they are invested. The extreme diversity of these works intrigues, troubles and may possibly bring about enthusiasm or hesitation. Indeed, these arts bordering art, force us to take a stand. At Trink Hall, we don’t want to look at the collection with the eyes of art, but to think about art (and its environment) with the eyes of the collection.


The target audience of the museum: School – Associations.  TRINK HALL The board game of the museum. A board game to create your own museum. Trink Hall – The museum board game is a thrilling card game: you have to exhibit the works in your own museum. Your opponents do the same ; each gallery must be organized according to a previously defined theme. To truly succeed, you must deal with the contingency of the preservation of works and the needs of the public.Impress your visitors by exhibiting side by side works of art of taste, and that answer themes!  This game allows participants to discover and observe the collection in a fun way, but also, through the themes, to reflect on the place of art in society. The educational service refers to so-called “active” teaching methods, that is to say that the participant is an actor of the animations; he is framed, but he has to get involved. The actions are aimed at the development of autonomy and creative thinking. It is a comprehensive method that takes into account the socio-cultural environment of the participants. This board game is played in teams (classes / groups), in our premises, in your school, in the premises of your association … wherever you want! The museum also offers visits/animations of its exhibitions outside the walls (program to follow on the museum’s Facebook page).

LPeople with specific needs

The building occupied by the museum during the renovation is not accessible to people with reduced mobility (PRM)!

However, please contact the museum for any requests of this type as arrangements are possible : : 00 32 4 222 32 95. – mediation@madmusee.be

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Informations pratiques

TRINKHALL Museum (former MAD Museum)

Rue Fabry, 19
B-4000 Liège

Offres spécifiques

  • Wallonie Destination Qualitélabel Wallonie destination qualité
  • Accessible aux véloslabel velo
  • Réductions pour les publics précariséslabel velo