In Paradise City, Sébastien Cuvelier focuses on the concept of Iran as a mythical country. In the 1970s, Sébastien Cuvelier’s uncle set out to explore those lands, keeping a diary of his journey. Inspired by this manuscript, the artist went back there on several occasions to build his own picture of the country. Through this project combining archives and personal vision, he creates a dialogue between Iran before the fall of the Shah and the country as it is today, in search of an elusive and dreamlike version of paradise.
From the series Paradise City © Sébastien Cuvelier
Museum of Photography, Avenue Paul Pastur 11 6032 Charleroi Museum of PhotographyIn Paradise City, Sébastien Cuvelier focuses on the concept of Iran as a mythical country. In the 1970s, Sébastien Cuvelier’s uncle set out to explore those lands, keeping a diary of his journey. Inspired by this manuscript, the artist went back there on several occasions to build his own picture of the country. Through this project combining archives and personal vision, he creates a dialogue between Iran before the fall of the Shah and the country as it is today, in search of an elusive and dreamlike version of paradise.
From the series Paradise City © Sébastien Cuvelier