Coudenberg Palace

An underground tour discovering the palace of Emperor Charles V
Once upon a time, the Coudenberg Palace towered over the city of Brussels. Charles V and many other of the most powerful rulers ever to reign in Europe made this princely residence their home between the 12th and 18th centuries, until it was consumed by a terrible fire. Every trace of this prestigious palace simply disappeared underground for many years. Today, however, these ruins constitute a fascinating archeological site incorporating a network of underground passages and chambers.
When you visit it you can explore the principal buildings of the palace and enjoy a stroll along the Rue Isabelle, which is now underground. In the Coudenberg Museum, located in Hoogstraeten House, the finest of the archeological discoveries made during the various excavations of the Coudenberg site are displayed.
The Coudenberg offers different formulas for group visits. For guided tours, you are free to choose your preferred guide association. The Coudenberg can recommend several that regularly run tours of the museum. Do not hesitate to visit their respective websites for more details.
For your comfort during the visit, please notify us in advance if you are a non-accompanied group by filling in the BELvue webshop.
The Coudenberg offers different formulas for group visits. Free access to Coudenberg under 18 years and for accompagnying adults (1 accompagnying adults / 6 children).
Group visit
For your confort during the visit of the archaeological site and the museum, please book your group visit in the BELvue Museum webshop. Call +32 2 500 45 54 in case of problem.
Waouw !
You’d like to explore? Guess? Find? Create? Laugh? Tell tales? Just get into the Waouw Chests!
How does it work?
Divided in groups of 5 or 6, the pupils receive a bunch of keys; these open a number of chests containing a variety of activities to enjoy and discover some aspects of Coudenberg Palace: what it looked like, how it grew, its history, the collection of archaeological objects, archaeology itself… The games require mutual aid between the children and encourage the living together.
The activity takes place without an outside educator from Coudenberg Palace. The class is divided into groups of 6 pupils maximum, with one teacher / accompagnying adult.
Look at our website for more information.
Looking for a unique venue on the Mont des Arts for an evening activity? An enchanting place with a fascinating history? The Coudenberg palace is the place to be.
Enter into an unexpected world that speaks of Brussels’ charming past and discover the ruins of one of Europe’s most beautiful palaces. Stroll underneath the Place Royale on what was once a main artery of the city dating back to the Middle Ages. Let your imagination lead you in the kitchens of the Aula Magna, the prestigious state hall of the palace.
Look at our website for more information.
Informations pratiques
Coudenberg Palace
Place des Palais 7
1000 Bruxelles