
The Mundaneum, a place of heritage resolutely turned towards the future.

The origin of the Mundaneum dates back to the end of the 19th century.
It was created by Paul Otlet (1868-1944), pioneer of modern information sciences, and Henri La Fontaine (1854-1943), Nobel Peace Prize, in the heart of Brussels in 1913. The project then aimed to gather and index the body of knowledge of the world.

Today, the Mundaneum offers original exhibitions that showcase their heritage. A place of debate, it also hosts thematic activity cycles and is the subject of an important pedagogical mediation.
For several years, the accessibility of all is at the heart of its reception policy.


The Mundaneum is located in Mons and preserves a unique heritage in an Art Deco building: the ancestor of search engines. It includes an exhibition space, a conference room with professional audiovisual equipment and a sunny courtyard connected by an infrastructure for people with reduced mobility. This exceptional place offers a great modularity for your receptions, walking dinners, training sessions or other customized formulas. The experience of our team is complemented by the know-how of our official caterers and team building partners. You do nothing, we take care of everything!

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The Mundaneum is one of the few Belgian sites recognized by the European Heritage Label and can also be proud to be registered on the Memory of the World by UNESCO. Free or guided visit (on reservation), coffee on request, special rates, visits combined with other cultural attractions in Bergen: groups are really welcome in the Mundaneum!

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Children and adolescents are the citizens and the public of tomorrow. For them, the Mundaneum places animations and visits concerning its history, its main characters in direct connection with the present, by integrating the possibility offered by the new technologies. The Mundaneum, nicknamed “paper Google”, is also a player in “digital literacy”. The mediation developed by our team encourages meetings, critical development and questions about the democratic issues of contemporary society.

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LPeople with specific needs

The incredible heritage preserved by the Mundaneum would be useless if it were not made accessible to the largest number. That is why the exhibition space offers educational visits and activities adapted to all types of public: hearing and visually impaired, Article 27, etc. The recently renovated infrastructures are also suitable for people with reduced mobility.

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1 B

Informations pratiques


76 rue de Nimy
7000 Mons

  • Des musées à vivre en famille!label marmaille
  • Accessible aux véloslabel velo
  • Classification des attractions en Wallonie (4)4 soleils
  • Réductions pour les publics précariséslabel velo

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