Folon Foundation

Fifteen exhibition rooms to discover the many facets of the artist

20 minutes from Brussels, Folon has deposited some 500 works in the Castle Farm of La Hulpe.

Fifteen exhibition halls show his watercolors, paintings, engravings, objects, sculptures, posters and illustrations.

The original and interactive museography imagined by the artist takes you to discover the many facets of his art and his universe.

Music, light and other optical effects are mixed with the most beautiful creations of one of our great Belgian artists.


Schools, students and groups of adults can visit the museum of the Foundation with our experienced guides. The foundation uses independent guides for adult visitors. Visiting hours were extended. This also applies to the available languages: French, Dutch, English, German, Spanish, Italian, sign language, etc. The foundation also organizes creative workshops that investigate the themes and techniques that Folon focuses on. The facilitator adjusts his speech and activities to the age group of the participants. The goal of the workshop is to have each participant make a work of art.

lVoir l'offre


The Folon Foundation offers kits and educational files that you can use to get the most out of your free visit or class work. Themes: “Human rights and child” or “The environment”. Our experienced guides help you discover the secrets of the museum by adapting their visit to the age of the students.

Creative activities & workshops:
The watercolor workshops will enrich your visit to the museum so that you can creatively deal with the emblematic themes of Folon’s work.

lVoir l'offre


The Folon Foundation allows interested parties to book the location for a full-day event on the site of the Solvay park: conference or business seminar in our special seminar room, combined with team building, a cultural activity in the museum or a visit to the park focused on fauna and flora.

Private and night tours:
The galleries of the museum are also available for private tours. The private visit can be followed by a reception in the multifunctional area of ​​the Foundation.

lVoir l'offre

LPeople with specific needs

The Foundation, which welcomes thousands of visitors each year with physical or psychological vulnerabilities, can tailor its visits to specific requests.

Guided tours by people with disabilities who are staying in l’Essentiel.

“Folon within reach”: tactile and sensory guidance of the museum.

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Informations pratiques

Folon Foundation

Drève de la Ramée 6A
1310 La Hulpe

  • Des musées à vivre en famille!label marmaille
  • Accessible aux véloslabel velo
  • Classification des attractions en Wallonie (4)4 soleils
  • Réductions pour les publics précariséslabel velo

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