Malagne – Archeopark of Rochefort

Discover the daily life of the Gallo-Romans

The Archeopark of Rochefort invites you to discover the daily life of the Gallo-Romans. The estate is built around the remains of one of the largest Roman villas in Northern Gaul.

Customized activities are offered during the year, according to the public: free site visits with audioguides, guided tours for groups and schools, workshops, events, Gallo-Stages, birthdays, team building, …

How did our Gallo-Roman ancestors live? You will discover their techniques, their tools, their crafts, etc. The opportunity to experience the gestures of the past.


Malagne is a favorite destination for group visits. Whether you are an association, a company or a group of friends, the educational service offers a varied program of visits to discover Malagne.

lVoir l'offre


Malagne’s programs for school animation are mainly organized around two formulas: “Archéo Découvertes” and “Malagne en herbe” reserved for the youngest. They consist of a basic module to which additional workshops with accommodation options in our partner accommodation can be added.

lVoir l'offre


Malagne is a favorite destination for group visits. Whether you are an association, a company or a group of friends, the educational service offers a varied program of visits to discover Malagne.

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Informations pratiques

Malagne – Archeopark of Rochefort

Rue du Coirbois 85
5580 Rochefort

  • Des musées à vivre en famille!label marmaille
  • Accessible aux véloslabel velo
  • Classification des attractions en Wallonie (4)4 soleils